At Fact Focus, we are committed to delivering high-quality, data-driven investigative journalism to empower citizens everywhere. Our goal is to provide accurate, fact-based information that helps readers make informed decisions and hold the powerful accountable.
Our mission is guided by a set of core values:
- Attention to Reader Needs: We are attentive to the information needs of our readers and strive to provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions.
- Fact-Based Reporting: We believe that facts, not opinions or rumors, are the cornerstone of good journalism. We always strive to verify our sources and present multiple perspectives in our stories.
- Transparency: We are open and transparent about our reporting processes and sources. We aim to provide readers with a clear understanding of how and why we arrive at our conclusions.
- Fairness: We believe that all sides of a story deserve to be heard. We strive to present a balanced and impartial view of the facts.
- Challenge to Censorship: We believe that censorship is a threat to democracy and free speech. We will not be afraid to challenge censorship and bring important stories to light.
- Reliance on Named Sources: We aim to rely on named sources whenever possible. When it is necessary to use anonymous sources, we will provide a detailed explanation of why they have chosen to remain anonymous.
- Holding Others Accountable: We hold other media outlets and social media users accountable for spreading false information and misreporting facts.
- Independence: Our primary source of income is through reader contributions via subscriptions, not corporations or governments. This allows us to maintain our independence and impartiality in our reporting.
- Professionalism: Our journalists adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct and accuracy in their reporting.
- We believe that investigative journalism is essential for a healthy and democratic society. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to holding the powerful accountable and providing readers with the facts they need to make informed decisions.